Lockdown Puppies and Introducing Canicross (Ep.14)


Are you one of thousands of people who took on a lockdown puppy, then realised they were lacking some fundamental socialisation skills through no fault necessarily of your own. And on top of that you had a very energetic young dog with excess energy to burn off, that wasn’t going to relent even when they turned into a young adult!

Well fear not, help is on hand. Today, we are very pleased to welcome experienced DogFit Instructor and Dog Trainer Matt Blackbourn, who is with us to share his personal experiences and advice for introducing Canicross to young dogs in a positive and effective way.

You can read more about Matt and his training on our blog here.

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


Things we wish we’d known when starting Canicross (Ep.15)


Canicrossing from a vet’s perspective (Ep.13)