Running with your dog with Susie Chan (Ep.12)


We are delighted in this episode to welcome Susie Chan, one of the most recognisable people in the UK Running Community. Susie took up running in her late 30s, initially be to be a bit healthier and built up from half marathons and marathons and then on to compete in some of the world’s toughest ultra-marathons and endurance races.
We’ve followed Susie for a while, and when she started to include her rescue dog Manny, along with her training we were pleased to see him enjoying free running alongside - and in a DogFit harness too. An inspiration to many, we are delighted to welcome Susie and hear first hand about her run training and trail adventures with Manny.

Manny wears a DogFit harness when he is freerunning and you can find that here

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


Canicrossing from a vet’s perspective (Ep.13)


Canicrossing with Children (Ep.11)