Anxious/Reactive Dog? Welcome to Canicross (Ep.8)


Are you interested in taking up Canicross but concerned you have a reactive or anxious dog?

Do you worry about how your dog will react to the Canicross kit, sounds and smells, not to mention the other people and dogs running ahead, behind and alongside them? Well, experienced dog trainer and DogFit Canicross instructor Christine Barber, is on hand to reassure you that you and your dog can safely and confidently take part in this wonderful sport. She shares her personal experiences and invaluable advice for making the experience a positive one so you and your dog can concentrate on enjoying the trails.

Visit Christine’s website for more information about her training and Canicross courses, or on the DogFit website here.

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


Pilates for Canicrossers (Ep.9)


Dog Nutrition (Ep.7)