Pilates for Canicrossers (Ep.9)


Pilates has been around for close to 100 years. Founded by Joseph Pilates, a German physical trainer fascinated by the balancing of body, mind and spirit, the discipline is all about strengthening the body, toning the muscles and improving posture and flexibility. This makes it a perfect companion for Canicrossers.

Pilates has grown exponentially over the past 12 months as people have more time to spare to try out new activities and more fitness instructors are moving online to give classes and physical training sessions.

Someone who can tell us more about this highly effective form of exercise is DogFit Canicross trainer and Pilates instructor, Louise Humphrey. She also explains why Pilates is a great form of exercise for Canicrossers and general runners alike.

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Listen to full episode :


Faster, Longer, Stronger (Ep.10)


Anxious/Reactive Dog? Welcome to Canicross (Ep.8)