Can Gundogs Canicross? (Ep.24)


One of the common questions we get asked is, 'Can any dog breed Canicross and are there some that are better than others’. Our answer is always yes, however we do find that there is one particular dog group that we know takes to the sport really well.

The gundog group make popular family pets and are known as reliable and loving companions. However they are very active and can get easily bored if they are under-excercised and not using their heads. From Spaniels to Pointers, Viszlas to Labradors we’ve enjoyed introducing them and their owners to Canicross.

We are joined today by Michelle Oseman, professional Gundog Trainer and expert handler. Having gained many Field and Trail Test awards running her spaniels in the shooting field, Michelle is now enjoying running with her dogs and Canicrossing. We are keen to learn more and understand how these two can work together.

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


Chewy Barker Woof - Beagle Canicross Dog (Ep.25)


How Canicross changed my life (Ep.23)