How Canicross changed my life (Ep.23)


Back in October 2020, Ginetta and I launched our first ever Podcast series. We kicked off with our episode 'Questions, Fun & Fears’ that involved a really fun and interesting conversation with Carolyne and Kelly, two complete newbies to Canicross.

We chatted about those first steps to getting started and then gaining confidence on the trails. Carolyne had just completed the DogFit Couch to 5k programme with her Vizsla Ted and she shared her experiences with us and told us how, as a non-runner, she had completely fallen in love with Canicross. For anyone new to the sport we highly recommend you take a listen to it as it is as relevant today as it was back then.

We are so pleased that we have Carolyne with us today and we are really excited to find out what she and Ted have been up to since we last caught up with her.

You can read about Carolyne and Ted here

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


Can Gundogs Canicross? (Ep.24)


Measure, Manage, Monitor - Diet Tips (Ep.22)