Measure, Manage, Monitor - Diet Tips (Ep.22)


A top priority is for any dog owner is the health and wellbeing of your dog and when we introduce them to a new sport that ups their activity levels it is important to monitor their weight and nutrition.

The same goes for dogs that have been Canicrossing for a while, or perhaps you have decided to focus on a goal, which might involve working towards longer distances.

We are joined by Rebekah Thompson, who is a Senior Customer Services advisor at Skinners. Rebekah gives us expert advice and tips on how to measure, manage and monitor.

For information about Skinner’s range of foods and nutritional products for active dogs, please visit their website at They also have a helpful team on hand if you would like to give them a call: 01379 384247

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


How Canicross changed my life (Ep.23)


How old to Canicross? (Ep.21)