How old to Canicross? (Ep.21)


One of the most common questions we get asked by our customers, is 'how old should my dog be before they can Canicross?’ We always advocate waiting until your dog is fully grown before they do anything too rigorous as their growth plates are still forming but we thought we’d get an expert in to explain in more detail why this is so important. Grace Bird, who is our guest today, is a radiographer and DogFit Trainer, so she not only has the knowledge but she can relate it to this sport we all love so much.

Grace also has experience working with reactive and anxious dogs, so we thought we’d take the opportunity to ask her why she feels Canicross is such a great outlet for them.

To read the full transcript of this podcast you can find it here: DogFit Blog

For help and information about kit, classes and all things Canicross you can find it here DogFit

To find out more about The Forces Wives challenge that Grace mentioned you can find it here:

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


Measure, Manage, Monitor - Diet Tips (Ep.22)


New year Canicross Goals & Motivation (Ep.20)