New year Canicross Goals & Motivation (Ep.20)


We’ve all been there…as we close one year and another fast approaches we start to think about what we want to strive for in the new year. For many of us we tend to reflect on our health and fitness goals. But how do we find the motivation to get started and, most importantly, how do we stick to a plan beyond the first month?

Well, fear not, help is on hand. We are joined by DogFit Trainer and Personal Trainer Cat Batson who has plenty of advice to help you set your fitness goals in 2022 and stick to them!

Cat Batson offers DogFit Canicross Classes in the Marlow area and you can read more about her here: Cat Batson

We mentioned our DogFit Planner in the podcast which you can find here: DogFit Planner

For help with canicross kit, advice and classes please visit our website


Listen to full episode :


How old to Canicross? (Ep.21)


Food For Thought at Xmas (Ep.19)